Sunday, March 1, 2015

Right Snuff

1942 glamour girl shows us the right snuff in a small almanac from Memphis, TN. The first half of the volume is an excellent pictorial essay on the cultivation of tobacco and the production of "Where the Very Finest SCOTCH SNUFF in the World is Made." The photo collection even shows a flatbed truck loads with hogsheads (large barrels) that were used to transport tobacco from the sales floor to the factory.
It claims that once the tobacco reaches the manufacturing plant it is not touched by human hands.
The fashion of taking a small pinch of snuff has long receded into history, but you can still find the lovely ornate snuff boxes that were a part of every gentleman's attire. Ladies took their snuff in the privacy of their boudoir.
Kids, like me, stole a pinch to try what the grownups enjoyed and were deathly ill. That may be one reason snuff is no longer popular as we remember hiding outside and heaving so our parents wouldn't discover our peccadillos. Once was enough for my snuff escapades.

The last part of the volume is devoted to regular almanac information with one exception.
WEATHER FORECASTS: "We are not including weather forecast for it is a well-established fact that the weather can not be predicted accurately for more than a few days in advance."

If you dream of growing cabbage, it is a sign of good fortune, but if you're eating cabbage in your dream it is a sign of sorrow.
Eggs give real problems - If you see many in your dream it is a sign of pain or great noise. If the eggs are broken it signifies a great loss.
If you see a kite in your dreams then be on guard against robbers.
If you observe an idiot in your dream if is a sign of a long life.

Having trouble hanging a picture - here is some sound advice. "To put a screw into a plaster wall so that it will hold, drive a nail into the plaster, then remove the nail and plug the hole with steel wool. As a rule, the screw will hold tight without cracking the plaster, and will also hold heavy weights."

"Scissors can be sharpened by cutting a sheet of fine sandpaper into small strips."

This lovely example of an almanac comes from the collection of Osburn Roy. Thanks Roy for letting us enjoy and use them for this blog.  

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